Friday, December 16, 2011



There are two kinds of whores, 1)clingy sluts & 2) girls that like to have sex.

Something that reeeeally bothers me about whores is that people confuse the types of whores. There is that, you know, really annoying one that acts all stupid and falls MADLY in love with a guy and is dead set on them getting married. and there are the smart classy girls that get a best friend that is a guy, for the sole purpose of them being FBs. Now, this is what I can't stand ---> clingy chicks. like seriously, you are 5ft nothing, skin & bones, and have the voice of a three year old, OBVIOUSLY no guy will ever love you, so grow up. All guys want from you is sex anyway, might as well enjoy it if you want a 'relationship'

On another note, what is a relationship anyway? I mean I get what a friendship is but seriously, what is a relationship? where you are madly in love with a guy for two weeks then you ditch him for a guy that has more talent? no. that is high school. So why are you running around at the age of 16ish trying to find true love when you don't even know what the hell that means.

Okay, now to my favorite type of whores. The ones that like to have sex. lots, and lots, and lots of protected sex. because no one wants a kid. kids are gross. Before going into this 'best friend lets have lots of sex' relationship there needs to be major agreements made. Such as, 1)no one is to know about this. 2)Condoms are a must have EVERY TIME. 3)If a child is to be conceived smushmorrrtion. If neither of you can oblige by these rules, neither of you deserve to have sex.

*Cheers to Whores*

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fake Love.


You have known each other a month, 
you have dated each other three days,
you are NOT in love.

I kinda think my opinion sums this one up.

Self Explanatory.


Saturday, January 15, 2011


This one is for Mitch & Niki.


Teachers should not take advantage of their authority

Many teachers at my school, and many others I'm sure, abuse their authority above the students. They like to make the rules as they go and play their own game. They bend the rules for the ones that do not deserve the help. They are just ridiculous. Some of the teachers like to cross boundaries and go through some students & principals personal stuff. Most teachers are just absolutely ridiculous, holding grudges, being rude for no reason, going out of their way to get a student in trouble, etc,. This is off subject, but another thing I can not stand about teachers is the ones that are coaches (which in Carthage is about 90% of them) and think that they do not have to teach. AND when they TRY to teach you can not learn anything because THEY CAN NOT TEACH. Like seriously how are you suppose to learn geometry from a man that doesn't even know how to do it himself. Teachers are a reason why I hate school. I can teach myself with a book better than some of the teachers that have "taught" me throughout my career.