Thursday, December 23, 2010



Don't send me a message that says 'k' it is very annoying.

Texting, a habit of mine and numerous other teenagers, something  VERY annoying while texting is receiving a message that says 'k.' Not only is it 'k' that bothers me, but "okay, kay, mmmk, mmhmm, lol, lolz, oh, etc." Now how in God's name am I suppose to reply to such a thing. TOTAL conversation KILLER. To top it off the person will ask "why don't you ever text me back?" DUH dumb-fart! I mean I could reply to 'k' with 'kk', then we could have a 'K' battle, which would be even MORE annoying. Please do not waste my time sending me a pointless text message like that, just don;t reply. Thank you...


Monday, December 20, 2010



Anyway is not a word; you sound stupid.

While having a conversation with people, I would like to sound intelligent. I frequently add larger and more abnormal words with the intention of  enhancing my acquaintance's vocabulary. Something that I have realized that bothers me, more than anything in a conversation, is when someone says 'anyways'. I would like, no LOVE, to point out to you that 'anyways' is NOT a word. I have this argument numerous times a day EVERYday. I KNOW it is NOT a word. If you along with many other would like to debate this with me, I will most certainly enjoy making you sound stupid when I pull out my Webster and show you that 'anyways' is a figment of your imagination. It would be GREATLY appreciated if you would STOP using this so called word now. ANYWAY, Thank you for reading my blog and happy holidays to you.
With further notice, if anyone would like to purchase this shirt I just found while googling 'anyway' I will most certainly wear it quite frequently. Thank you again.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010



Don't act dumb and ditsy. It makes you seem...dumb?!?

You always see these really cute girls that could easily get any guy she wants, acting all dumb and ditsy. Just trying to get attention! Now hunny, what makes you think acting stupid makes you look cute? The WORST part of it is, is when they see other girls doing it they trash talk the for doing it! Like what the crap? Hypocrite much? I mean if you are going to criticize someone don't be doing the same thing yourself! And really do guys find it attractive? Girls being dumb on purpose= NOT cute! You really can not help if you really are dumb and ditsy, all I have to say to you is "God bless your soul" I can go ahead and tell you I have asked some of my guy friends and they say dumb and ditsy is not cute to them. So, girls y'all are just wasting your time and energy being stupid. Try being smart it might get you further in life(:


Sunday, December 5, 2010



You should find make-up your color!

All the time I see really pretty girls with some dark make-up on. Now, honey why do you wear your make-up so dang dark? It is like an albino trying to be a Mexican! Sweetheart, I KNOW for a fact they have make-up to match your complexion. Do you honestly think it makes you look darker to have your face brown and your neck white? Because you look stupid! Some of these people COULD have a lot of potential in being really really pretty but having a make-up line can knock you from a 10 to a 3 in my book. Listen now. I have a solution for your problem, hop in your mom's car, boogie on down to CVS, and pick up some make-up that matches your color(: That would make you a LOT easier to look at! Thankss love!


Saturday, December 4, 2010


I'd like to appoligize for missing a day of my blog. sorry.


Your butt is HUGE!

Now, I understand people have big booty's, but seriously you act like your butt is God. People in my school are all about their butts. Why? I have no clue but they are always wearing tight jeans so people can notice it and always rubbing it up on people and putting it in their face. DUDE! That is like gross! I'd like to congradulate you for having a big booty, but honey I don't want to see it up close and personal! When I'm alone with these people they are always like "Ohmygooodness my butt is so big. I can't stand it." Then they get in public and they are all like "Ohmygossh! look at my butt! It's like SO bigg hahahaha" I guess they think it is cute? Well, it isn't. So, please put your booty away. Thankss!


Thursday, December 2, 2010



If you work around people, be nice and not STUPID!

Pretty much everyday I go to a fast food restaurant. Every time I go into one or through the drive through, I in counter a complete idiot(s.) If you are going to work at least know how to use the cash register! I mean come on how hard is it to press a couple of buttons? These people act like it is rocket science, but what can you expect when you pull up to the window and you realise you have approached a 6'4",250,lady with green hair? To top it off, the people are SO rude! Why is that? It is ridiculous! There is no need for you to go get an attitude with me. Especially since I ALWAYS use my manners! BUT no you have to go all ghetto on me and start shaking your finger and rolling your eyes. Which by the way makes you look even more idiotic. No matter where you work or what job you are doing you should try your best to have a good attitude and be a little bit knowledgeable. That would be just great! Thanks!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010



You should NOT sing in public. You suck!

Everyday I am surrounded with people that typically can NOT sing. I mean they have a few good notes they hit, but SERIOUSLY it is unnecessary for you to sing in public. Can you not hear? Well if you can't I'm sure I can google a number for a good ENT(Ear,Nose,&Throat) specialist for you because sweetheart it sucks. I suppose you do not realise other people can hear you. You singing your squeaky rap songs makes me want to shove knifes in my ears. Now, I'm not saying you should never sing. There are times that are appropriate. EXAMPLE: In the shower, riding in the car(with the music loud enough where  passengers can not hear you), while you are sitting on the pot, while you are falling down the stairs(you will have a good excuse for sucking) etc,. but PLEASE I ask again PLEASE spare the people around you their ears. They only have two of them and once they are gone, they are gone. So, just shut up until you have privacy of your own.

Thank you so much,