Sunday, December 5, 2010



You should find make-up your color!

All the time I see really pretty girls with some dark make-up on. Now, honey why do you wear your make-up so dang dark? It is like an albino trying to be a Mexican! Sweetheart, I KNOW for a fact they have make-up to match your complexion. Do you honestly think it makes you look darker to have your face brown and your neck white? Because you look stupid! Some of these people COULD have a lot of potential in being really really pretty but having a make-up line can knock you from a 10 to a 3 in my book. Listen now. I have a solution for your problem, hop in your mom's car, boogie on down to CVS, and pick up some make-up that matches your color(: That would make you a LOT easier to look at! Thankss love!