Tuesday, December 7, 2010



Don't act dumb and ditsy. It makes you seem...dumb?!?

You always see these really cute girls that could easily get any guy she wants, acting all dumb and ditsy. Just trying to get attention! Now hunny, what makes you think acting stupid makes you look cute? The WORST part of it is, is when they see other girls doing it they trash talk the for doing it! Like what the crap? Hypocrite much? I mean if you are going to criticize someone don't be doing the same thing yourself! And really do guys find it attractive? Girls being dumb on purpose= NOT cute! You really can not help if you really are dumb and ditsy, all I have to say to you is "God bless your soul" I can go ahead and tell you I have asked some of my guy friends and they say dumb and ditsy is not cute to them. So, girls y'all are just wasting your time and energy being stupid. Try being smart it might get you further in life(:


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